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  • davidroberts137

Tik Tok being investigated by OAIC....

The recent media about the OAIC investigation into personal information leakage via TIk Tok raises a much broader issue. The risk of data leakage through third party tool and plugins built-in into websites and mobile apps is not confined to any single product such as Tik Tok. While this is of greater concern due to its location, leakage is potentially occurring through many products being used by organisations as part of their customer experience technology platforms today.

We have found that there can be three areas of concern here:

  • personal information leakage which could constitute a data breach, 

  • cyber / security vulnerabilities being exposed.

  • commercially sensitive information enabling competitors to target potential

This is a complex area for organisations to manage given the nuances of different technical products, the desire to continually improve the customer experience and the speed at which technology is changing. For organisations to be confident they are managing this risk regular audits should be carried out to that capture exactly what data is actually being leaked or even better, technology in place that gives the organisation control over data flowing to these third parties. 

One such technology QPrivacy - a TrustWorks360 partner, who can provide a simple, immediate and permanent solution without compromising the customer experience. 

TikTok: Privacy watchdog launches inquiry (

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